About Co Kids Childcare
The vision of Co Kids is to provide quality early childhood education with an innovative, creative environment to support children’s learning and development. Our role is to support each child by providing rich experiences in a safe and exciting learning environment, to help create an active and confident child.
Families and the Co kids childcare team all play an integral part in providing these rich opportunities for children, and we believe this is the key to building a strong foundation for tomorrow’s community.

Our Values
We champion creativity as a fundamental aspect of development and how we structure our care.
We follow the children’s interests and have both planned and spontaneous learning experiences available to them throughout the day. We promote teaching practices that nurture and reinforce a sense of self-worth. We believe development of confidence and good self-esteem is fundamental to the enjoyment of valuable early childhood education experience.
We respect the natural developmental progress of the individual child and practice caregiving routines that are responsive, patient and in partnership with children. We practice boundary setting and honouring the boundaries of others.
We reflect the principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi, with the inclusion of Te Reo and Tikanga Mäori throughout our centre environments to help embrace a shared bicultural foundation.
We believe children learn through play, and that this learning should take place in a safe, happy and stimulating environment. Safety and security is a crucial aspect of allowing children to relax into their natural development.
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Our Philosophy
At Co Kids we have incorporated elements of the Emmi Pikler and RIE theories into developing a teaching philosophy based on respectful education and care practices.
Our Early Childhood Centres
At Co Kids we have incorporated elements of the Emmi Pikler and RIE theories into developing a teaching philosophy based on respectful education and care practices. We provide infants and young children with environments that support innovative, and creative exploration. A high standard of care ensures a sense of wellbeing and belonging, essential to foster dispositions within children’s play. This is essential to the childcare philosophy of CoKids.
An inquiry-based learning where questions, problems and scenarios are posed during the process of play lends favourably towards the development of inquisitive, curious, motivated, capable young children as they venture on their educational journey to primary school.
Lincoln Road, Auckland
This magnificent daycare centre, overlooking Lincoln Road, has been operational in the Henderson area since 2016.
The centre is divided into three separate rooms, each dedicated to babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. At the heart of the centre lies the kitchen. The centre provides healthy and nutritious food, which is prepared fresh daily by an onsite cook. The babies and toddler rooms are located on the east end of the centre and include a beautiful outdoor space that offers a playful setting for the children.
Our dedicated team of teachers is at the heart of learning and development. We are passionate about providing a safe, respectful, and emotionally supportive atmosphere for our young children. The preschool space helps prepare children for school through play-based activities. Our focus on early literacy, numeracy, and writing skills is achieved through engaging games, activities, and songs that promote elementary knowledge of alphabet recognition and phonics for our preschool tamariki. We recognize that learning alphabets and phonics is important for our tamariki as it enhances language skills, school readiness, and a solid foundation for reading and writing.

Thorndon Quay, Wellington
This outstanding childcare centre in Wellington, known as Co Kids Thorndon, opened in late 2018.
The premise is thoughtfully divided into three areas, with a state-of-the-art kitchen connecting the spaces. We are committed to providing a sugar-free environment where all meals are freshly prepared daily by our dedicated on-site cook. At Co Kids Thorndon, we strive to foster an enriching environment filled with opportunities for children to learn and develop their interests. Our resources are meticulously curated to offer a wealth of open-ended play experiences, presenting challenges that will build strong cognitive, physical, and emotional capabilities.
Recognized as one of the best childcare centres in Wellington, we are dedicated to nurturing every child's potential.

Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch
We welcome you into a bright, spacious environment where children wildly explore. Opportunities for children to just ‘be’, allowing time to forge creatively and imaginatively throughout their day. Inquisitive minds have the time and freedom to ask questions, have conversations and embark on imaginative trails of inquiry. A vegetable garden invites opportunities for children to share in the creation of a menu that complements our nutritious sugar-free ethos.
This Christchurch childcare centre has two main play spaces that alleviate the anxieties that multiple room transitions create. The safe spaces offer unique areas for siblings to share in their day; older children to help in the care of the younger children; younger children to watch and emulate actions from their charismatic older peers; and where all children and teachers share in a community of empathy and kindness.

We encourage children to be adventurous by trying new dishes and experimenting with flavours so that they have a healthy relationship with food and eat for pleasure.
At all our childcare centers we have onsite Chefs who cook various dishes and meals that are sugar and nut-free, meeting all our families' cultural preferences and children's dietary requirements. Our kitchens and processes always complete a Food and Safety audit successfully.

Creating active and confident children
Infants and toddlers
Freedom of movement allows infants to use their limbs naturally and at will; they develop the muscles and skills that will be needed for the next step in nature’s inbuilt timetable for motor development. We believe that infants do not need our intervention or assistance to reach developmental milestones but instead our patience and trust that they are following nature’s plan at their own pace.
We believe the benefits of allowing infants to spontaneously follow their in-born developmental timetable include good balance, correct posture, core strength, agility and awareness. For example: When an infant is on their back they can learn to roll and once they have mastered this skill, and are choosing to spend increasing periods of time on their stomachs, they will begin to develop the muscles needed to raise their bodies, crawl, sit and walk. We don’t believe in interrupting the natural progression through these stages and for this reason infants are not placed in positions that they are not ready to get into by themselves.
Physical and cognitive skills, confidence and self-esteem are built as the infant explores in their own way. Adults can support this by being present, peaceful, empathetic and responsive.
Focused attention during human interactions is respectful and shows the person you are interacting with that they are worthy of your full attention. We see caregiving routines as the core of curriculum delivery to infants and toddlers and as key times for establishing the nurturing relationships that are vital to healthy development. We begin care routines by telling children what we are going to do before we do it and encouraging them to participate in their own care. Our objective is for the infant to be an active participant rather than a passive recipient. Slowing down and allowing time for children to respond to what we say builds self-awareness and leads to independence in identifying their own needs and developing strategies to meet them.
We believe the infant and young toddler is a unique individual. Picking up on and responding to the cues infants send us, strengthens their sense of security and self-worth. It also builds trust in the relationship they have with us and confidence in their own ability to communicate. Taking the time to tune into a child can provide us with the insight we need to work effectively andin partnership with them, supporting their development and enhancing their sense of self-esteem and identity.
Emotionally nurturing relationships between infants, young toddlers and their adult carers are vital to healthy development. In a group care situation it is essential for the quality of care-giving to be consistent. We recognise that infants are capable of experiencing a wide range of emotions and in situations where they are distressed we seek to empathise with and comfort them rather than distract or pacify them.
Given the right environment, infants and young toddlers will flourish. They possess an innate drive to develop and it is the job of the adult to support their learning with enriching environments rather than to ‘teach’ them skills they will discover unaided. We show patience and support infants and young children to solve their own problems wherever possible.
CoKids provides a rich tapestry of theories, approaches and community for each child to develop into the best version of themselves.
Older children place high importance on their play and we show respect for this by providing children with opportunities for sustained and uninterrupted moments to become adventurous explorers. Our teaching teams are thoughtful, deliberate, present and responsive in our work with our children. We actively plan by setting up our environment around the children's interests, valuing the spirit of ako ako (teach to learn, learn to teach) leading to independence, problem solving and development of drow motor skills. We provide rich and innovative learning experiences to nurture the children's creativity and support the development of communication skills.
We provide predictable routines that allow the children to feel safe and secure in their environment. Routines are opportunities to build on life skills. For example tidy up time allows children to learn to respect their environment and look after it. Mat times are opportunities for the children to build on listening and conversation skills.
Taking the time to tune into a child can provide us with the insight we need to work effectively and in partnership with them, supporting their development and enhancing their sense of self-esteem and identity.
We recognise that children are capable of experiencing a wide range of emotions and we acknowledge and talk through their feelings rather than attempt to minimise their concerns.
Preschool Children
Transition to School
Going to school is an exciting and challenging time for young children and their families. There is a range of things that we want to support your child through before they take the next step into school. This can range from simple things like holding a pen, interacting with teachers or using a lunch box.
With this programme and our connections with local schools and parents, we can help make their transition as enjoyable, smooth and stress-free as possible.
Contact Us
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Want to join our vibrant and experienced team? We love expanding our community so more children can have access to skilled teachers and top-quality care. Plus, we have a lot of fun whilst we’re at it.